I remember as a teenager, dreading boring speakers, and then I turned into one anyway.
Are you boring? How would you know?
Our academic system doesn't teach you to be engaging, unique, or interesting. School teaches you to conform, and since I was a good student, I conformed into the perfect stick-in-the mud.
But every once in a loooong while, some speaker would come along that was actually inspirational and fun to listen to. To overcome my teenage speaking anxiety, I set out to discover what made the difference.
Here I am twenty five years later to tell you the answer. It's not public speaking classes, it's not self-help books, and it's definitely not PowerPoint.
I spent 20 years trying to learn communication by studying communication. Big mistake! Speaking clubs and classes and academics all teach you to organize information. The problem is that good information and good communication are not the same thing.
The secret to good communication is not good information--the secret is good psychology! As soon as I stopped studying communication and started studying psychology, I began to see exactly how inspirational speakers win you over. The psychology of public speaking became my true passion!
I've been trying for twenty five years to turn those principles into a simple system. After many failed attempts and thousands of hours on stage, I've finally simplified it into a speaking system that works every time.
As I coached my clients, I tried many different terms and analogies to explain the principles, and each time I would leave my clients with a printed summary. Eventually my explanations became simple enough to fit on a note card.
Then one day, my 13-year-old daughter asked for my help creating a deck of cards on the computer for a homemade game. I was the perfect person to help, because I'd spent the first half of my life doing internet software development and publishing.
And then it hit me--a marriage between my career experience, and my passion. SpeechDeck was born!
I invite you to come along for the ride.
Best regards,
Michael Griffith, Creator